Monday 30 May 2011

Mousey Musing - Hygiene

 So I know that this is something strange to talk about, but you have got to understand that this is new to me. Now don't get me wrong, mice are perfectly clean animals. In fact I would say that we are cleaner than most people, but some of you definitely take it to a level.

Before all this happened to me, it was second nature something I didn't really think about. A necessity, you might say. However, with intelligence, it has now formed into something of a luxury. I used to be happy with just not getting dirty, perhaps cleaning myself if I somehow had managed to get especially dirty. It  has worked for everyone for years, but humans seem to think themselves above this.

Thanks to the labs influences, I now wash myself each day. This is to remove a smell or the dirt, I am not sure which really but I suppose that doesn't really matter. The main reason I do it is because of the great feeling of flowing water, well hot flowing water. There is only one problem that I can see with this sort of cleanliness, and that is the fact that I no longer can stand the sight of myself dirty. I have developed a level of self consciousness, which is all part of being human they have told me. Not that I enjoy it, I want to be happy with everything that I am.

Now I wish that they would fix that boiler, I mean plumbers with steady fingers and tiny tools can't be too hard to find. If you know of any please comment.

Algernon, a mouse discovering the world


  1. You're a mouse...couldn't someone just boil a kettle for you and dunk you in? :P ...after it had cooled a little :P

  2. I wish that they would, but they have got a plumber now. Plus they keep making mugs of something and drinking the hot water. I have no idea why?

  3. I shall introduce you to tea someday, Algernon. Oh, and coffee! A caffeinated mouse sounds adorable!
