Monday 30 May 2011

Mousey Musing - Hygiene

 So I know that this is something strange to talk about, but you have got to understand that this is new to me. Now don't get me wrong, mice are perfectly clean animals. In fact I would say that we are cleaner than most people, but some of you definitely take it to a level.

Before all this happened to me, it was second nature something I didn't really think about. A necessity, you might say. However, with intelligence, it has now formed into something of a luxury. I used to be happy with just not getting dirty, perhaps cleaning myself if I somehow had managed to get especially dirty. It  has worked for everyone for years, but humans seem to think themselves above this.

Thanks to the labs influences, I now wash myself each day. This is to remove a smell or the dirt, I am not sure which really but I suppose that doesn't really matter. The main reason I do it is because of the great feeling of flowing water, well hot flowing water. There is only one problem that I can see with this sort of cleanliness, and that is the fact that I no longer can stand the sight of myself dirty. I have developed a level of self consciousness, which is all part of being human they have told me. Not that I enjoy it, I want to be happy with everything that I am.

Now I wish that they would fix that boiler, I mean plumbers with steady fingers and tiny tools can't be too hard to find. If you know of any please comment.

Algernon, a mouse discovering the world

Thursday 26 May 2011

Rodent Reviews - Black Books

And so it would seem that my education into the human has had to begin. This was suggested to me by two people, known  as Cal and Laura. They believed that it would lead me in an education of comedy, and so here are my thoughts on it.

The setting of the show is based around a book shop known as Black's books, thus the title, which is owned by a Bernard Black. He undoubtedly is joined by his friend Fran, and employee Manny. For starters, let me say that it is a good watch. Manny (what an apt name) is the forever kind and helpful soul who you just start to love in a sort of pitying way. For no one is quite so odd ball or slightly out of his depth in the world. It is just a sad fact that what seem to possibly be his only friends in the world are Fran and Bernard. Fran, while kind to Manny, can be completely insane, although rather well meaning. One of her, numerous I will admit, flaws is that she can get insanely competitive, and this of course brings out her vindictive side.

And now we must come to the titular character, Bernard Black. He should have been a mouse, he would have been perfect. All I know is that he had to be my favourite character; a cynical, lazy bastard. Forever preying on the goodwill of Manny, treating him more as a slave than a worker. He is perhaps something of the neglectful father to Manny, who often seems childlike without him. While he does sell books, he doesn't really seem to enjoy it. With an addictive personality, he is often seen drinking and smoking, and gambling does come along. However the gambling doesn't last long thankfully.

The one flaw if any is that there are only perhaps around 18 episodes in total, showing the Britishness of the series. Most of the humour is cynical and mad cap, if your a fan of slapstick comedy this is not the place for you. This is cultured and mature, like good wine or cheese in fact.

This series is well worth the watch, if only to watch Manny discover his talent. Unfortunately for me tiny DVD's are hard to come by. As a result this has already been and gone, but luckily for the universe it is available on 4oD free of charge.If you don't mind adverts...

Algernon, A mouse finding his way

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Next Day

So it would seem that the experiment was some form of success, after all I am now here talking to you. Whoever you may be...

Well I am sure that we will get to know each other regardless of what is happening in the world. They told me that I should write down my thoughts and feeling on numerous stuff as I begin to develop out in the world. I'm not promising too much here, after all I am a mouse...

Anyway I'm sure that you will love to see my journey in the world, hopefully I will not end up like poor Charles, and this intelligence will somehow stick. If not then you shall enjoy my thoughts on everything, until I my little toes can no longer use this tiny keyboard.